Infographic, Mineral mining infographic. Exxon/Mobil

Infographic, Food industry infographic, Meat. Exxon/Mobil

Infographic, Food industry info graphic, Bakery. Exxon/Mobil

Infographic, Food Industrey infographic, Dairies. Exxon/Mobil

Infographic,Iron and Steel production, the materials handling side. Exxon/Mobil

Infographic, Iron ans Steel production, the Hot side. Exxon/Mobil

Infographic, Iron and Steel process flow. Exxon/Mobil

Infographic, Paper making machines.Infographic, Exxon/Mobil

Infographic, Paper making. The Wood Yard Exxon/Mobil

Infographic, Paper production, the Pulp Mill. Exxon/Mobil

Infographic, Paper making industry, Chenical recovery. Exxon/Mobil

Infographic, Plastics industry, three types of extrusion. Exxon/Mobil

Infographic, Blow molding plastics machine. Exxon/Mobil

Infographic, Plastic injection molding machine. Exxon/Mobil

Infographic, Plastic extrusion molding machine. Exxon/Mobil

Infographic, Machine shop info-graphic. Exxon/Mobil

Infographic, Cutaway illustration of a CNC machine. Exxon/Mobil

Hellical gearbox. Exxon/Mobil

Infographic, Hydraulics overview info graphic. Exxon/Mobil

Cutaway electric motor and bearings. Exxon/Mobil

Gas engine. Exxon/Mobil

Rotary screw compressor, cutaway technical illustration. Exxon/Mobil